Monday, December 31, 2007
Nursery prompting
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Tommy firefighter
Anna's new camera

Anna got a cheap digital camera for Christmas to "practice" on until she's old enough to have a good one. Here are some of the first pictures that she took. Not bad for her first time. It doesn't have a flash, so that's why some pictures look dark. It's not great, but she doesn't care! She loves the camera, mainly because it's pink, but also because she gets to do whatever she wants with it!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Cookie Party!

I'm a shy person, so I don't normally invite people over to my house or step out of my comfort zone. But, wards have changed, and I don't know very many people in my current ward, and we've been in it for about 6 months! So, I invited EVERY sister in my ward to a cookie party this morning. I knew that not all of them would come, and I was pleasantly suprised by the number of people who did RSVP! Unfortunately, half of them had sick kids so they couldn't come. I still had a good turn out, though! Tommy was a little weirded out by all the people when he got home from school, and was happy to see them leave! Why? So he could run to the kitchen and eat all the sprinkles!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Good News!
Anna was the Student of the Month for the month of November! For some, that's not a big deal, but for us it is! She struggled at the beginning of Kindergarden, and we were afraid that she would not catch up to her peers, but she has!
My only high school student, Veronica from Plano East HS, came in 2nd in the Region and she's going on to Area! Plano's East cluster has the best Euphoniums in the Region and they made up much of the top 10, so her competition was fierce! Way to go, Veronica!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Let's Go Mavs!
Monday, November 26, 2007
6 Things
1. I hate doing laundry. Absolutely hate it! The chore of cleaning the clothes is pretty easy, because the machine does it all, it's the putting away that I can't stand! I'll leave clothes in the dryer for a day or two just so I don't have to put them away! But, it eventually drives me crazy, and I take them out of the dryer and put them away. I'm NEVER done with the laundry! As soon as all the clothes are clean, we wear them, and they get dirty again! Sigh....
2. I love rice crispy treats! I have to be careful when I make them or else I will eat them all! When I was pregnant with Eddie I made a pan of them while Danny was in school, and ate all of them before he got home!
3. I am so glad that Missy has a good sense of direction, because, I swear, her and Mandie were going to get us lost somewhere between England and France! I had no idea where we were going almost the entire time! I miss London, and hopefully, I can take Danny there someday!
4. I don't have a favorite color. Nope. Not a single one! Some days I like red, others blue, but I can tell you that whatever color is in Tommy's or Eddie's diapers is my LEAST favorite!
5. I love reality shows and NFL football. I don't know what it is about them, but I love to watch them. Amazing Race is my favorite reality show, and it almost doesn't matter who's playing, I love to watch football! I have always been a Cowboys fan, so of course, Cowboys' games are my favorites to watch! I also love Gray's Anatomy and Ugly Betty. I can't watch crime shows because I have nightmares and trouble sleeping when I do.
6. I love looking at model homes, and going to Open Houses! I have recently discovered that Anna does, too! So, we have taken up the hobby of driving around looking at houses! Maybe when I grow up I'll be a real estate agent.
Okay, now it's Mandie's turn!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
They also had a wall of remembrance for those who served in the armed forces who have passed on. Anna and Tommy are standing next to Papaw's name on the wall.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Go Mavs Go!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
The Worst Doctor's Visit EVER
Friday, November 02, 2007
Okay, here's some of Eddie.

Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Tommy was Spidey, of course. We saw about 100 of them last night! He hated the costume, and I had to force him in it last night, but he realized that, in order to get candy he had to wear it. So, he did. He completely refused the mask, but I didn't mind. Eddie didn't have a coustume, but we did put a cute jack-o-latern bib on him. All of his pictures were pretty funky, so I didn't post any. We went to our Trunk-or-Treat last night, where the kids got A TON of candy, but was that enough? Nope. We had to go Trick-or-Treating in our neighborhood, too! At first, it was just going to be me and Anna because Tommy had shed his costume as soon as we got in the door, but the prospect of more candy enticed him to put it back on. We only did a small part of our street and the street behind us when the kids decided that they had enough candy and we went home. They ate a lot of candy last night, but they were both asleep before 9pm! They didn't even fight it! a side note, my creepy next door neighbor was handing out candy with his wife and kids last night!! The nerve of that guy! So far, the charges against him are pending, and we're still waiting to see if he'll be prosecuted. Stupid, slow legal system!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I WON!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Bad Picture

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Turn it up!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Left Behind
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
10 Things
2. Sleeping babies are so cute!
3. I love it when Eddie lets me know that he needs a diaper change. Tommy can go all day without telling me, and the only way I know is by the smell or the trail that he leaves behind. I know, yuck.
4. Finding the things you need at the store and they're on sale!
5. A clean house is a happy house. I have a hard time dealing with big messes. They drive me nuts!
6. Ahhh...cooler weather! Isn't it wonderful?
7. Anna got 20 out of 20 correct on her last math test!
8. Candy corn! Yum!
9. I love making home improvements! Even small stuff like putting up a motion-senor flood light in the back. It makes me feel safer.
10. Free baby-sitters!! They are the best!!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Ketchup Connoisseur

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
My Craig's List Find

Monday, September 17, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
2-Week Check-Up
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
My doctor visit
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Eddie Update
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My baby?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Before and After
Monday, August 27, 2007
First Day of School

Friday, August 17, 2007
"Pool Party"

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Quick Baby Update
Friday, August 10, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Movie Review - "Shrek the Third"

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
We're putting it to a vote...
Anna's trip to Six Flags
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Star Wars and Six Flags

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Am I weird?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Anna's 1st trip to the Dentist
So, Anna had her first dentist appointment last Saturday. She was really nervous, so I bribed her with an early birthday present if she got through the visit without freaking out or crying. The staff was super nice and they gave Anna all sorts of free stuff like, a t-shirt, little flossers, Disney Princess toothbrush, tons of toothpaste, and coins that she can redeem for prizes on her next visit. I was worried about the condition of her teeth, but after looking at the initial x-rays, everything looked good. The dentist came in and took a look at her top two teeth (the chipped ones) and ordered a panoramic x-ray to see how far along her permanent teeth were, as well as her molars. They normally don't do this until after the child turns 6, but since Anna would be 6 in less than a month, they went ahead and did it. (I'm so glad they did, because we would have had to go back in a couple of months to do it, and it would have been expensive!) Her top 2 teeth should be the next to fall out, which I am SO happy about! Anna was a trooper and did REALLY well. She only freaked out once when the hygenist pulled out her tooth scraper thingy to do her cleaning. Way to go Anna! Oh, and Anna lost another tooth at the bottom on Thursday, so that makes 4 teeth lost in less than 10 months!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Lucky Anniversary
Friday, June 29, 2007
I LOVE Chick-fil-A!
- The restaurant was INCREDIBLY clean.
- The kids play area is not too big, so you can easily keep track of your children. I had no problem keeping tabs on Tommy.
- There is NO FOOD or DRINK allowed in the play place! There's not a million people in there eating so it's a lot easier to see what your kids are up to, and there's no messy spills!
- The kids play area is SUPER clean! It doesn't smell like dirty feet, urine, vomit, or stale food. It actually smells clean!
- They have hand sanitizer wipes EVERYWHERE!
- The food is great!
- The manager was amazing! He went around asking everyone how their meal was, and if there was anything he could do to make it better. He even had one of his employees go around and give every child a free Chick-fil-A cow beanbag toy! There was a woman who wasn't paying attention to what she was doing, and she ended up dropping her not-eaten sandwich on the floor. The manager quickly scooped it up and ordered her a new one for free!
- The bathrooms had 2 diaper changing stations! It was super convenient because when I went in to change Tommy's diaper, another woman walked in right after me with an infant that needed a change as well. No one had to wait!
- They have a basket of butter mints by the exit, so I didn't have to buy anything extra to bribe my kids out of the restaurant!
- It's located right next to Super Target! Who wouldn't love that?
After my exerience at McDonald's I don't know if I'll be going back there anytime soon, but I will DEFINITELY be going back to Chick-fil-A! It's nice to know that there's a clean, safe place indoors that I can take my children to when it's raining outside!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Anna lost her third tooth!

My big boy!

This first picture is of Tommy attacking Anna's dinner. She asked for cheesy broccoli for her meal, but had to leave the table for a minute. Tommy took the opportunity to hop up on her chair and eat that broccoli like there was no tomorrow! I personally don't like the stuff, but I'm so glad that my kids like it so much that they fight over it! Ahhh....fighting over vegetables. I like the sound of that!
The second picture is of Tommy sleeping in his bed! Now, to some that may not seem like a big deal, but for us, it is! For the past year he's been sleeping on the couch, and every time we'd try to move him, he would wake up and start crying! He DID NOT want to sleep on his super comfy, big boy bed! We tried everything, but since he was so young, and we had school the next morning, we didn't do anything more about it. The week after his birthday, we bit the bullet, and took him screaming to his room. He cried really hard for about 20 minutes, but when he realized that I wasn't leaving him, he calmed down and soon fell asleep. I was able to leave him without him waking, but at 3am he came to my room wanting me to come back to his room with him. I stayed with him for about 10 minutes until he fell asleep, and left again. He didn't wake up until morning! The same thing happened the next night, but the night after that, he was fine. He would actually run to his room when it was bedtime! He now prefers to sleep in his bed, and I will find him crashed on his bed in the middle of the day! It's so nice to have him sleeping in his own bed and not the couch! Now, we just need to tackle potty training!

Monday, June 18, 2007
Ear Infection, Cold Water, and Toilet Paper
Friday, June 15, 2007
Our trip to the aquarium and Science Place