Danny and I can't agree on a name for this baby, which will be born on August 31 (I go to the hospital on the 30th at 5pm to start some drugs, and the next morning I'll be started on pitocin), so we're putting it to a family vote. Now, just because the name wins, doesn't exactly mean that's what we'll name him, but we'd like to know what you think. Just let us know which one you like better, and why, in the comments section.
Name 1: Henry
Name 2: Eduard
I like Henry for the same reason I like Mary... it is traditional and simple. For those reasons, you do not hear it very much any more but I think it is a good, strong name. :-)
I PERSONALLY think both names are a little stuffy. I mean, you have Anna and Tommy, so with Henry you don't relly get a nickname, and do you want your kid named Eddie? Out of the two I like Eduardo, but... I guess once he's born you can decide. And hey, you never know, something else might come to your mind once you see him. Good luck! (Sorry I was so honest, but hey, I rallied against Laura Catherine being called Laura, which is why, to this day, I call her Catherine. I think I'm about one of the last ones that does. ^_-)
Hm. I think Gabby has valid points. I like either name, really. Henry sounds more like something Nikki would name her kid, not you, but I still love the name Henry. I like Jack. How about Jack? ;) If I had to pick between the two though, I'd choose Eduardo, but only if you're okay with us calling him Eddie!
Well, Missy hit the nail on the head-- Henry has always been on my list of baby names. I guess Missy knows me pretty well! That's not a vote for or against anything, though. I think they're both good names.
Just to clarify things, the name is Eduard, NOT Eduardo. I would prefer the more traditional spelling, Edward, but Danny likes the Spanish spelling better.
I think I like Eduard. It'd be safer for the sake of him not getting his name mispronounced his whole life to spell it Edward, but we've all been there done that and lived through it. I don't know about Eddie, though...
I see we all have pretty strong opinions about this... but you asked!
Two votes for Eddie from me and Brian. And spell it with a W. That way it wouldn't get misspelled and people will be less likely to add the O at the end, which I know would drive you nutsos.
For what it's worth, I LOVE Jack. But wouldn't that be pronounced "yak" in Spanish?
Didn't you guys want to do a crossover cultural name? How is Henry a crossover?
Henry is Danny's choice. He really likes it for some reason.
Okay, this is silly for some reason, but there's this guy I worked with briefly, his name was Jorge, BUT when others introduced himself, and he introduced himself, it was George. But he says, you can call me either. Isn't that strange? Oh, and here's a funny that you can tell Danny ... he and I used to watch this Spanish Soap (way back in the day), and there was a character whose name was pronounced "Hason" and we finally figured out that it was JASON, but they pronunced it funny. AND, I agree that if you go with Edward, it should be with the w. Although, do you think that would bring too many comparisons to Eduardo Najera? "Did your parents really like the basketball player?" "Are you related to him?" *shrugs*
I am with Melinda if it is Eduard it should be spelled the proper way Edward. Just because you can see that Eduard looks like it should have an o at the end of it. Eduardo... Na Edward sounds good. Good luck.
I vote for Henry b/c it's easier to say with your last name--it's hard to say the /n/ after the /d/ (sorry, I'm a speechie). Also I had a wild student named Eddie; plus, there was a wild kid named Eddie on the old Leave it to Beaver show. Henry sounds more dignified, but is still cute for a baby. Not that any of us are opinionated or anything! But Eduard's cute, too, and don't worry about the spelling--I think it turns a potentially stuffy name into something more exotic.
For what its worth, Henry is a family name from Grandma Maserang’s side. Henry Scott Arnold was her brother and Henry Arnold (b. 1825 in Georgia) was Grandma’s grandfather. The new Administrative Assistant at City Hall is named Henri (short for Henrietta). She is a lovely Polynesian girl. I think both Henry or Edward carry enough dignity so when he is stake president or attorney general, he will not be embarrassed by his name. You are mighty brave to ask this bunch for feedback!
I am partial to Eduard as our fish's name is Eduardo. We call him Eddie for short. He really has been a great fish :)
Aside from that...boy names are just hard for me to think of. Whichever you choose is cool with me. Both names are good.
I know a few Henrys. They're not too fond of thier names. Actually he'd be called "Hank". Eduard is a good name. Kind of distinguished. Although the choice is up to you, I like Eduard. Hank is just to "Hank" sounding. Craig Ranch, McKinney, Tx. sounding off. Good luck and congrats!
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