Ahhh...it's that time again! The first day of school! This was much different than last year because I have 2 in school now! Tommy only goes from 8-10:30, but it's still school. He thinks his backpack is SO cool, as you can see in the picture below. He had a great day today in his PPCD class. I wish I could have come in, but to make the transition easy, his teacher met me at the curb and took him straight to class. She said that it took a little while for him to warm up to everyone, but as soon as he did, he performed wonderfully! When I picked him up, he ran to the car with a huge smile on his face and actually talked all the way home! I couldn't understand half of what he said, but it's a big step! I'm not sure if he knew exactly what was going to happen this morning, but he's a trooper and did great! Tommy's school is only about 8 minutes away, and is surrounded by $500,000+ homes on 2 sides, and on the third side are million dollar, absolutely amazing custom homes. It makes for a nice drive!

Anna is now in first grade and she gets her own locker! She's been SO excited about school starting! She's been counting down the weeks, then days until the first day of school. Both kids went to bed on time last night, so they woke up on their own, and fairly happy, and both actually ate breakfast. It wasn't until after we dropped off Tommy and were driving to Anna's school that she admitted that she was a little scared. There are no kids in her first grade class that were in her kindergarden class, so it's a little intimidating for her. I walked her in and helped her put away her stuff, and gave her lots of hugs and kisses! I know she'll do great today!

I must not have seen Anna very much recently because her hair is SO long and she looks like she's not the scrawny little girl she is and has a little meat on her bones? Do my eyes decieve me? Keep us updated on Tommy's progress at schoool. I'm sure this will make transitioning with a baby a lot easier!
Anna's still a skinny thing, but her outfit is a bit too big, so it makes her look like she's actually got some meat on her. Check out her legs, and they give her away. And her hair is horrifically long! I spent 20 minutes just brushing the tangles out of it last night! I wish she would let me cut it at least 3 inches!
They both look so cute. I'm glad the first day went well! How are you--isn't the big day this week sometime?
Tommy looks really cute and grown-up with his backpack on. It is great that both of your kids woke up on their own and ate breakfast!
I was afraid Tommy would not want to leave Mommy and go to school but I guess that was a dumb idea. Looks like they are both gonna get right in the groove which is good since the new little one is coming this week. Cute pictures!
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