Anna got a cheap digital camera for Christmas to "practice" on until she's old enough to have a good one. Here are some of the first pictures that she took. Not bad for her first time. It doesn't have a flash, so that's why some pictures look dark. It's not great, but she doesn't care! She loves the camera, mainly because it's pink, but also because she gets to do whatever she wants with it!
That's so cool.
Man, does that camera only have one megapixel?
Not bad for a 6-year-old. That camera probably has better pixels than the original digitals that came out a few years ago.
Um, the package doesn't say how many megapixels, but I'm assuming it's less than one based on the quality!
I love that they make these types of things for younger kids (I love the commercial of the little girl with her MP3 player), so they can feel grown up, but parents don't have to worry about them breaking expensive items. Though I find it a little surprising that it doesn't have a flash -- even disposable cameras have flash. But then, maybe it's a good thing, because every time I tried to take a picture of Eddie with the flash, well, let's just say he wasn't happy (and I have the pictures to prove it). ^_^
Wow, if you saw that camera you'd know why it doesn't have a flash, it's so small and isn't exactly a high quality item! But it is a great idea. A friend of mine gave her 3-year old an old digital camera and it's funny to see the things they come up with! Post any more fun ones she takes!
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