Eddie slept well Friday night, and woke up happy, so we decided to head on out to the Alamo. We had passed the Alamo many times on our walks to and from the convention center, but we didn't ever stop and go inside. It was quite chilly Saturday morning, but we were prepared with jackets and sweaters.

The kids thought that the Alamo was very cool and were very quiet and respectful inside.

This tree is absolutely stunning. The entire courtyard was so green, beautiful, and peaceful.

We happened to come on a day when they were doing re-enactments. Tommy was fascinated by the soldiers and wanted his picture taken with them, but when he got closer to them, and they showed him their swords, he was suddenly very shy.

Anna just loved looking at all the ladies with their big, beautiful dresses. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see the show.

This is one of the few pictures that I took of the river walk. The kids loved walking along the river, but there was too much talk about kicking each others butts into the river, we decided to keep them away from that temptation.

By 10am, Eddie was asleep.

Tommy LOVED this booth! It was right next to a pizza and cake fundraiser, and it had cool drums that the kids could play on. We spent a lot of time there!

We left at 1pm on Saturday, but we didn't get home until a little after 8pm thanks to a disasterous tip to the Roundrock outlet mall! Yes, Tommy managed to get lost. How did he not get lost in all of San Antonio and the entire convention center, but get lost at Children's Place?! At least we found him, and he was properly scared out of his mind and sobbing.
Overall, it was a good trip. I got to see a lot of old college, high school, and sorority friends and catch up with them. I also got to see some directors that I worked with in Arlington, which was a very interesting experience. Danny learned a lot from his clinics and got to see some great performing ensembles. The kids had a good time, and no one got hurt, but it will most definitely be a while before we attempt this again!
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