Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Vacation" Day 1 - Thursday

This is Danny's year for the school to pay for him to go to the TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association) Convention in San Antonio. I thought it would be a great idea to take the kids with us and make a little vacation out of it. I honestly don't know what I was thinking.
This is day one:
We woke up at 5am, got showered and ready and hit the road by 6am. We got to my mom's at 7:30 to pick up some snacks and a pack-n-play and left at 8. The kids were fine in the car for a while until about 2 hours in our drive when Eddie was complaining about the sun in his face. We didn't have any window shades so we decided to stop at Wal-Mart in Waco and get some. The people in Waco were SO nice! There was a sweet old lady who parked next to us and she just loved the kids! She told us that they reminded her of her grandkids who moved to Germany. Some people were a bit TOO nice. Me, Anna, and Eddie got stopped by this crazy man at the door who insisted on giving Eddie a 5 dollar bill to put in the collection bin for some church that was pan-handling at the door. He wouldn't leave us alone until Eddie grabbed the money and put it in the bucket. It was so wierd. We left and once again things were fine until we got to Rockwall. Eddie started complaining again, so we figured he needed a diaper change. We saw Ikea and we decided it would be a great place to stop. As we were driving into the parking lot, we saw this cool little park! We let the kids out to play, and they had a lot of fun!

Eddie was just finishing up his business in his diaper here, we think. We changed him, and hit the road once again. We finally got to San Antonio at around 2pm and headed out to the convention center. Our hotel was about a mile from the convention center, so we walked A LOT!

We passed this cool park on the way and stopped to let the kids climb on the cannons.

We registered at the convention and I hit the convention floor with the kids and Danny went off to his first clinic. There were hundreds of vendors so there was tons of stuff to see! At every booth, they had something free. Mostly it was pens, pencils, or candy, but we ran across some fundraiser places that had slices of cake, cheesecake, fresh cookies, chips, candy, pizza, and garlic bread! You could walk around and have a full meal of junk food! Soon, it was time for me to head to my clinic. I gathered up all three kids and prayed that they would behave!

We came across this cool hallway filled with bronze statues! The kids loved climbing on them, but we couldn't stay long. I got to my clinic about 30 minutes late, but it was a good thing, because the kids were not quiet and still for the 20 minutes that I was there. I still got a lot out of it, though. Mr. Murrow scares me a little, but he knows a lot about Tuba playing and I learned a lot from his clinic!

Soon, it was time for dinner and we headed out to Fudruckers, of course! That's kechup on Eddie's face, by the way.

Yes, that's Tommy making silly faces for the camera! We finished up dinner and headed to our hotel room. The kids were SO tired, but they had the hardest time getting to sleep! Our room was on the top floor at the very end of the hotel next to a VERY busy street! The street sounds were loud, and Tommy and Anna didn't like sharing a bed. But, everyone, including myself ,was asleep by 10pm.

1 comment:

Ginny said...

Well, since you're blogging I assume you're home with no dead bodies! Looks like you paced it well and that everyone had fun. That museum looks really fun! Hopefully you'll have a holiday tomorrow like we do and can recover from your vacation.