Monday, January 05, 2009

A Little Freaky....

I was flipping through the channels last night, and I found one of my favorite shows, Clean House, so, I checked the info on it to see if I'd already seen it. This is what it said:

"The Najera Family" - Niecy Nash brings her team to growing family that is struggling to live in a small home with little storage space.

That is SO my house, except mine isn't near as messy and cluttered as their's was! What are the odds?


Elder and Sister Dunn said...

That's pretty funny. It would be pretty cool to be one one of those HGTV shows, but then again do I really want the world to see my mess or my poor decorating skills.

Missy said...

Aw you don't need more storage you have a GARAGE! Imagine us 3 in a thousand less square feet and less closets! :)

Kinda funny still though, about the Najera connection!

Cheree said...

Hey Melinda – it’s Cheree from the WW3 blog. Do you mind if I start “blog stalking” you? (Guess it’s not really stalking if you ask permission) . . .
I live in Carrollton. Maybe it’s time I start making friends with people who live a bit closer to me! :-)

Melinda said...

You are welcome here anytime Cheree! I didn't realize that you lived in Carrollton!

Cheree said...

Yeah – somehow it seems like all of my “blog friends” live south of the metro. Which is fine – but so far away!! :-)