The picture above is what we had for our entertainment center. It was cute, but it's all Target furniture and not very sturdy. It was time for some grown-up furniture.

This is our new fabulous entertainment center. Please excue the horrible mess and the lack of organization. Oh, and the red at the bottom is Eddie's feet and legs! We LOVE our new entertainment center and we can't wait to buy a bigger TV to fill it up! We got this off of Craigslist by the way. It was a really good deal, but the seller lived in Keller! Danny borrowed the Law's truck (my visiting teacher, who is SO wonderful!) and drove down on Thursday night. This thing is huge, and it barely fit in the truck! It took Danny forever getting home, and we finally got it all unloaded after 11:30pm! It's so worth it, though!
It looks really great. Don't you just love new stuff!!!! I really like it a lot.
ooh! I like it. Is it much bigger?
It looks good! I am sure it will last you guys a long time.
Oh, I like it! I always see some good things on craigslist, but always wonder how I could get them home! great find and it looks a lot sturdier. Did you sell the other one or just got rid of it? (Just curious, mostly.)
Did you know I had a new blog? I thought I had sent you the URL:
I kept the bookshelves and sold the armoire, on Craigslist, of course. This new entertainment center is quite a bit bigger than what we had, but you can't tell because of the pictures.
I love the new entertainment center! it's awesome! I was just going to ask you what happened to the old one, but someone beat me to it!
Very cool! It's nice when you can upgrade from newly married furniture.
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