Okay, I realize that I haven't blogged in a long time, and I haven't posted pictures in an even longer time. So, here are some pictures I took when we went to the Dallas Zoo in March at the end of Spring Break. We only saw half of the zoo because it was SUPER crowded! We've been back since then and saw the other half and the kids can't wait to go back!
Okay, so this is what's been going on lately:
- I actually got to go out an trim my shrubs this morning! My front lawn was starting to look like a jungle and I've been afraid to go out because of that stupid bird! We have not seen him in about a week, so we think he's gone. Thank goodness!
- Eddie has slept completely through the night two times in a row! He's eating really well, and goes to bed around 9pm and wakes up around 6:30. We're hoping this lasts!
- Tommy's last day of PALS was last Thursday. We are both really sad! Tommy just cries each morning he wakes up and discovers that he's NOT going to PALS ! He loves Mrs. Richey and we both can't wait for it to start up again in September!
- Tommy had his ARD last week and we discovered that he went from having a score of 205 last July, meaning he was in the High Profound category of speech impairment, to a score of 65 in May putting him in the Moderate category! Tommy's teachers have done a GREAT job this year! I don't know what I would have done without them!
- Tuesday was my last full day of teaching this semester! I have 2 more students on Friday and I'm done! I will start summer lessons the second week of June. I don't mind those at all because I teach from home
- I found Anna's Webkinz code for Pearl. I was organizing all of her million papers in her desk and found it in a plastic baggie with about a hundred stickers in it! I was happy I found it, but mad because of the enormous mess! It's STILL messy and something will be done about it before the Birthday Bash this Saturday or Anna will be a very sad little girl.
- I will be singing in Relief Society on Sunday and I'm super nervous! I'm fine singing with the choir, but I'll be singing with only 2 other women and the first part of the song will be a solo for me. Yikes!
- Danny has a lead for a job in Lewisville, but can't even be considered for an interview until all of his paperwork is complete. We'll just have to wait and see. Keep him in your prayers!
Well, that's about it for now. I'll try to do better about posting! And I'll take more pictures! Are you happy now Missy? By the way, my blog wouldn't look so sad if you would make me a new blog header!
See? That's so much better!
You used lots of exclamation points!!
By the way, there is a Sanrio at Grapevine Mills. I remember walking past it trying to distract Ben from the huge train store at the end of the mall where Children's Place used to be. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm almost 100% positive there's one there!
I'll work on a blog header for you. IN MY SPARE TIME! ;)
There IS a Sanrio at Grapevine Mills. I know firsthand.
And, I get UBER-nervous singing solos, and I usually stumble a little (usually my tone). My biggest way around it is to know the song really, really, really well. But, the nerves still get the best of me. (I hate in choir when they want me to "sight read" a descant or solo -- from a song I've never heard!) You'd think by now they'd know I can barely read music. I just listen really well to the notes being played.
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