Sigh...Missy tagged me, AGAIN, and now I have to think of 5 random things about myself to share with you guys. Here it goes:
1. I love listening to ESPN radio, especially Mike and Mike in the morning. Don't ask me why, but I think they're funny and informative at the same time! My favorite show so far was the one where they spent about an hour discussing who was more likely to wear deoderant: Brett Favre or Tom Brady. It was hilarious!
2. In middle school and high school, I LOVED politics. I would read all about it in the paper, and I would follow all of the election stuff and thought it was so great. But, now I am almost indifferent to it. I know it's backwards, and I'm trying very hard to get involved and interested again because it is important.
3. I love puzzle games. Give me Dr. Mario, Tetris, Super Bubble Pop, and I'm good. Missy even got me hooked on an online game called Chain Factor. I don't like crossword puzzles, though!
4. I love to work in the yard. I love digging in the dirt, planting new things, and taking out things that I don't like. Since we've moved in this house, I think I've changed the shrubs in the backyard about 3 times. I've pulled about 5 shrubs from the front and I've planted quite a bit more around the house. I think it goes back to my childhood and my love of eating and playing in the dirt. I feel most relaxed when I am in the yard working.
5. I sing all the time to my kids and it drives them nuts! I sing in opera-style, country, rap, you name it and they beg me to stop, but the only way I will is if they tell me to stop by singing it in the style that I'm singing in. They end up laughing hysterically as they try to sing "stop please mommy" in an opera voice. Anna's opera and country are pretty bad, but she's way better at rap than I am! Tommy is just too funny as he tries to sing in any style!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Easier Access
Okay, so I've removed the restrictions from my blog, and hopefully, I won't get anymore wierdo guys commenting on my blog. If I do, I will restrict access again, but I'm hoping that I won't have to!
Friday, February 22, 2008

My life this week

Saturday, February 16, 2008
There were 5 in the bed....
...and the little ones said "we're scared!" Yep. At 6:30 this morning, a terrific storm blew in with plenty of rain, thunder, lightning, and hail. After checking the radar to make sure that no tornadoes were on their way, we all jumped into my bed and tried to go back to sleep, but that was almost impossible considering there was nickle, quarter, and an occaisional golf ball sized hail raining upon our house! It sounded like the roof was coming down! Anna and Tommy were really freaked out, but the hail only lasted about 5-10 minutes. We had more than an inch of rain last night, and fortunately, there was no damage. We never got back to sleep, so our day started at 6:30 am. Not ideal for a Saturday, but hopefully we'll get to bed early tonight!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Stake Conference Sunday
Stake Conference was on Sunday, and for those of you who knew, my choir (McKinney 2nd Ward) was asked to sing during the second session. This was my second time to do this , but there were only about 600 in attendance this time. The first was a year and a half ago with the McKinney 5th Ward choir with more than 1,000 people in attendance. It went really well, except I forgot to tell the choir to stand up for the first song and my pianist had to remind me to do it! I was prompted to sing a fantastic arrangement of "Love at Home" for the closing hymn and I'm so glad I obeyed, because it fit PERFECTLY with what was talked about. I couldn't look up at my choir because I knew I would start crying, and as soon as I cut them off, I looked up and saw tears streaming down some of their faces. I don't know how we got through it! The choir sounded amazing and it was such a great experience for me! I actually got to sit through conference and listen to what the speakers had to say, as opposed to running after my children. It's been a long time since I was able to do that, and I really needed to be spiritually fed. I don't want to sound self-centered or anything, but I think the my choir was asked to sing so that I could have that opportunity to listen without interruption. I was a nervous wreck, but it was so worth it. We went to mom's later that day, so I could have a break from cooking, and see my family and I posted some pictures that she took while we were there.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Have you hugged your kids today?
There is a wonderful family that used to be in my ward, and actually lived a couple of streets away from me. They are amazing people and they have a son with an inoperable brain tumor in his brain stem. They keep an online journal of their experiences and this family never ceases to amaze me with their remarkable strength. Today's journal entry is simply heartbreaking and it makes me SO grateful for what I have. It reminds me a little of what we went through with dad, but the poor kid is only 8 years old. So, read the entry, then go and hug your children.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Eddie's new teeth!
Friday, February 01, 2008

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