Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I let it happen AGAIN.

I put Tommy on the wrong bus this morning. I can't believe I did that. I am so upset with myself! He went ALL THE WAY to PPCD today, and it wasn't until he got there that they discovered he was on the wrong bus. They put him back on and sent him to PALS. He was almost 30 minutes late. Sigh...


Ginny said...

And Melinda is Mom of the Month! Seriously, why are they sending 2 buses? You'd think they'd get it right, too. And besides, hasn't he been going there for almost 2 years now. Very weird.

Elder and Sister Dunn said...

I don't know if this makes you feel any better but I do appreciate hearing stories like this as it makes me feel a little more normal for all of my many mistakes. I agree with Ginny it is strange that 2 buses that come at the same time.

Rebecca said...

You're human! Don't be so hard on yourself!!