Monday, December 31, 2007

Nursery prompting

I was in nursery helping out a couple of weeks ago, and while I was there, I noticed how germy the room was! It was really gross, and I had the urge to get out of there as quickly as possible and scrub my hands with some surgical strength soap! So, I decided that I would buy some Lysol disinfecting wipes and donate them to the nursery. I kept on forgetting about it, but while I was at Wal-Mart one day last week, I found myself in that isle and something told me that I had to buy them. I dropped them off in the nursery on Sunday with Tommy and went to Primary to sub as the music leader (which was an eye-opener!). The Primary Pres came to me during the break and informed me that a little girl just threw up in nursery, and Tommy was exposed to her. Yuck. I went to the nursery and there were the nursery workers with my wipes disinfecting the room and all the toys! I am so grateful for the promptings that I followed!


Rebecca said...

I have never been more excited that I missed Church. yuck. You are a winner, Melinda. That place is so germy it gives me the heebie jeebies.

Ginny said...

Wow, that's amazing!

Elder and Sister Dunn said...

Yuck. I can't even imagine how many germs are in any given nursery. Way to promote good hygiene.

Unknown said...

Its even more amazing that Tommy has been exposed twice in a weeks time and hasn't gotten sick.