Tommy has a new bed! ( Thanks to mom, and her dead-beat renter.) He was getting out of his crib every night and coming into my room, so Danny and I decided the crib needed to go! Besides, we didn't want him to hurt himself climbing out of his crib in the middle of the night. So, the first night with his new bed, we stayed up and did the SuperNanny thing and put him back into his bed everytime he got out. Well, that didn't work too great because we were up until 1:30am putting him back in his bed, and he wasn't slowing down! So, we decided to take turns with Tommy in his room, sitting next to his bed. That didn't work out too great either, because he would wake up and cry everytime we moved, thinking we were leaving him! It was a miserable night, but it was Friday night, so we didn't have to worry about school the next day. Saturday night was a little better, and so was Sunday night, but he just wasn't happy in his bed! He would get out of his bed crying and come try to sleep on the couch! By Tuesday night, he wasn't waking up in the middle of the night crying, but we would find him on the couch each morning! Finally this morning we didn't find him on the couch! He was asleep in his bed! He did wake up at one point last night, but he went right back to sleep when I put him in his bed! Growing up his hard for kids AND parents!
Aw! Poor boy! I'm so glad the drama only lasted for a short time. Some kids (and parents) take months getting past stages like that! Go Girl!
Oh, by the way, would you take off the word verification for comment posting? It's really inconvenient...
I hope you cleaned that bed REALLY good before you let Tommy sleep in it! Those renters were so gross and there were so many roaches!! I don't know what I would do. I had ONE roach in my house this morning which must have come in from the rain last night and I about died. It was like 3 inches long! We're scrubbing and spraying our house tonight to make sure no more come in, it came out of Ben's room!!
It was just the frame, not the mattress, so there was no chance for roaches. The mattress is Tommy's old crib mattress, but I did clean the frame because I knew he would probably be chewing on it!
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