Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fishy Business

I found a picture of the fish that Anna caught at Sky Ranch!  As you can see, she's holding it as far away from her as possible!  Not all the kids caught a fish, so Anna was pretty excited!

Anna has soccer practice at a park that has a small pond with a dock.  Usually, the boys will stick to the playground, but one day we went exploring and discovered that there are tons of fish and turtles in this pond who LOVE to be fed! 

These fish are BRUTAL.  You can see them jumping out of the water to get to the bread!  The kids love to sit on the dock and feed the fish every time we go to soccer practice!  The light hits the water just right in the evening and we can see almost to the bottom of the pond.  It's fun to watch the fish and Eddie loves it when the family of turtles swim by! (Please excuse the poor iphone pics.)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sky Ranch

Anna went to Sky Ranch last Wednesday through Friday.  It's a sleepaway camp that all the fifth graders go to, and it's a huge deal.  Anna was SO excited and was packed almost a month in advance!  She got her own camera for Christmas and came back from camp with 202 pictures!  I'll spare you from having to look at all 202, so I picked out some for your viewing pleasure.  Below is a picture of Anna and Kaitlyn, who is a friend from church.  Kaitlyn's mom went to camp with the kids as a chaperone and was kind enough to send me text updates on Anna and kept her eye out for her.

Anna took several pics of Sky Lake.  This is one of her faves.

Below is Anna's "group."  These are her best buds and they were all lucky enough to be in the same cabin!

Do you see that little speck to the left hanging from the zip line?  That's Anna in the bright pink helmet.  I'm so proud of her for going on the zip line!  It was really high and apparently one of the teachers had a freak out moment before going on it, so it was a little scary for Anna.  She loved it, though!

There were several self portraits of Anna in her pics.  She said that she would get bored and practice taking pictures of herself.  This one was cute, and had a great view of the dock where Anna caught her first fish!!  Anna didn't get a picture of it, but a couple of the other parents did.  As soon as I get a hold of a pic I'll post it on here.

Anna LOVED Sky Ranch and came home with a million stories and new life experiences.  I'm so glad she had the opportunity to go!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fire Station Trip

Eddie's preschool class took a trip to the fire station at the beginning of the month.
I was able to switch my schedule around so that I could go with him! Unfortunately, I forgot my camera. The pics are from Angie Lewis, one of the other moms who came and was smart enough to bring her camera! Thanks for sharing the pictures Angie!!
Eddie wanted nothing to do with the fire hat, but he loved looking at all of the cool equipment!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The kids have been sick with allergies and cold-like symptoms. It sucks. It started last Thursday with Tommy and a persistent cough, then Friday Eddie woke up with a croupy cough, and by the end of the day Friday, Anna was coughing. Eddie was so bad on Sunday that Danny and my bro-in-law Brian gave him a blessing. I took him to the doctor on Monday, but the doc said it was just a virus, and he was mostly through it, and of course, there was no medication for it. The kids are still boogery and coughing today, but hopefully the end is near! They have been cranky and tired, and that's not fun for anyone!

Wednesday, April 04, 2012


Chico is the name of Danny's soprano trombone. Eddie LOVES Chico! He talks about it all the time, and can't wait until Papi comes home so he can play it! Danny tried desperately to get Eddie to hold it correctly, but as you can see from the pic below Eddie wanted to hold it his way.
Yes, Eddie has terrible hand position and embochure! But he's only four, so we'll let that slide. For now.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Such As....

Tommy is awesome. I love him. He's such a great kid, but man, he can really be strange sometimes. His latest thing is "such as." He says it all the time, and COMPLETELY out of context! In the middle of a conversation he'll bust out with "such as!" and continue on! We've explained the proper use of the phrase, but he just really likes the sound of it, and will use it whenever he feels like it! Apparently it's a 2nd grade boy thing. ALL the boys are saying it, according to Tommy. Oh dear. At least it's completely harmless! I just hope he doesn't come home with something inappropriate!

Monday, April 02, 2012

What do you want to be?

The kids and I were having a discussion the other day about what they want to be when they grow up. Tommy's response was interesting. He wants to be a machine worker. Really?!? Because he wants to make machines, like Transformers. Not the Transformer toys, but REAL Transformers. Hmmm.... We'll see how that works out. Eddie wants to be a Ninja. He's convinced he'll turn into one when he turns 7 years old. Anna wants to be a fashion designer/cake designer/fashion icon/cupcake bakery owner. She's got her sights set high!

As for me, I STILL don't know what I want to be when I grow up!