Saturday, May 15, 2010


Yes, I am. I think. Okay, maybe just a little. A couple of weeks ago I decided that our front room was too "granny". I just hated the chairs, the wall color was blah, and I felt like I was in an old woman's sitting room. Not cool. So, I painted the walls. I love the green and it brightened the room up a lot, BUT the stupid chairs were still there and clashed horribly! So, Danny and I started looking on Craigslist, at Target, IKEA, and online for a replacement for those chairs. We found nothing that we could agree on, and we didn't really want to spend much money. I started looking at the chairs, how they were made, how the fabric was attached in some places and made up my mind. I would reupholster those suckers. And I did. I didn't plan on starting until the summer, when I had Danny's help and more time, but once I got it in my head I couldn't rest until I did it. I started on Monday morning, and finished up last night. It was a hard process, but I did it! I have never done anything this complicated, and with no help! Here's the before:
Yep. Totally screaming "Granny chair! Put some doilies on my arms!" They're not bad chairs. We actually bought them new, but mainly because they were only $50 each on clearance at Wal-Mart and we needed furniture for our home. The fabric was itchy, but the chair is actually really comfortable. It even reclines! Below is the after. I had bought the cordouroy at Wal-Mart for only $1 a yard years ago thinking I would make curtains for my living room, but I didn't have enough fabric to do it. So, I used some of the fabric for my office curtains, and had some left over. I started with the leftover fabric, but that barely covered one chair! I ended up taking down the curtains and using those too! In all, both chairs used TEN yards!
The picture below makes it look almost purple, but it's not even close to that color. I'm sure you can see all the flaws, but I think it looks WAY than before! What do you think? Don't be shy, I would love to hear what you have to say, good or bad.


Unknown said...

You're an upholstering rock star! AND one of the thriftiest people I know.

Ginny said...

Impressive! I've done some reupholstering, but never attempted a recliner. Looks good!

Shirley Fowkes said...

That is a great improvement. The walls look like an olive green or something similar, not Happy Camper, but definitely better. Good job on the upholstery. You are brave!

Staigerfamily said...

Oh my gosh. I am so impressed!!! I would be terrified to try something like that! It looks fantastic!! Great job!

Suzy said...

Awesome job. I have reupholstered a recliner before...not an easy job.