Wednesday, March 03, 2010

We have some winners!

Thanks everyone for the love! I didn't realize that some of you actually read my blog! I have been super busy the past couple of days, so I'm sorry this is a little late. Tommy was diagnosed with strep and a double ear infection on Monday. I would have never taken him to the doctor, but in the middle of the night he woke up with a 102.4 temp. The next morning he was fine, said that nothing hurt, and he could go to school! So, I sent him to school, called the doctor, explained what was going on, and they said they needed to see him. When the doctor was examining him, she looked at him and said, "hey, bud, you shouldn't be so happy. It looks like you should be in a lot of pain. Does anything hurt?" Tommy looked at her and smiled and said, "nope!" Crazy kid. Especially since after taking the first 2 doses of medicine, he was feeling lots of pain, was super tired, and didn't want to eat! Oh well, he's at school today, and Danny is home sick. Danny thinks he has a cold, but I'm afraid it could be strep. Dangit.

Anyways, our winners are: Damaris, Ginny, and Chrystal! I'll get you your prize as soon as I can!


Chrystal said...

Has there ever been a time in your household where everyone is healthy?

Unknown said...

I KNOW there are more than 7 people that read your blog!

Missy said...

I read it! But I forgot to comment. Oh well. I think I'm already going to get some presents on Saturday (Melinda, I am so excited for that Dwell Studio blanket!) so I am not complaining!

I'm with Chrystal, too. Maybe the kids' school is just hyper-contagious or something!

Melinda said...

September, November, and December were all good months. This school year has been killer. The kids' school has had numerous outbreaks of strep, and my kids seem to get it at the drop of a hat! It sucks, but spring and summer months are usually good months for us.

Ginny said...

Mom was just commenting that you're probably the biggest clean freak of all the sisters (no offense to everyone else!) Thank goodness, if you weren't you'd probably have someone hospitalized by now.