Here are the kids on Saturday night playing in the backyard in their summer clothes! They were making sand soup and pretending to eat it. It was getting dark, but they were begging to stay outside!

This is a bad picture of Eddie, I know, but it does show his yucky eye. He had pink eye this weekend but is all better now, thanks to some eye drops from the doctor. Have you ever tried to put eye drops in a wiggly baby? It's really hard!

Ahh...and our backyard this morning. It's amazing what a few days will do!

I took this one late last night. I just love how the flash catches the falling snow!

Tommy actually LOVED the snow today! He wanted to go out at 6am, but he had to wait until the sun came up. The last time it snowed Tommy cried and cried because it was so cold. He didn't want to come in for breakfast this morning, and he's ready go out again! He also had a bad accident yesterday. The sword that he has in his hand was in his mouth yesterday while he was playing, and he fell. I know, scary, right? The sword went to the roof of his mouth and hit the back of his throat. I was freaking out. At first I thought that he couldn't breathe, but then he started screaming. He had A LOT of trouble swallowing, but after he calmed down he seemed to be fine. I checked out his mouth and the roof is pretty bruised and there's a mark on the back of his throat. I am so glad that nothing worse happened!!

Anna's school is delayed this morning, so she doesn't have to go for another hour. She cried when she found out that Tommy doesn't have to go to school. She didn't think that was fair. Tommy won't go to class today because his class usually ends when school is supposed to start! I didn't get to teach today because of the school delay. I could have because Plano didn't have a delay, but I have to take Anna to school, and Ella Mae was afraid to drive this morning. I don't blame her. I'd rather be safe than sorry, so I'll teach on Thursday instead. Right now, though, we're going to go out and play some more in the snow!
Wow! You guys got a LOT more snow than we did! I mean, it snowed for quite a while, but the ground was so wet that it just melted on impact. All I had was a bit of frost on my windshield this morning.
Isn't Texas great!? Your house looks very beautiful. We were actually hoping for a delayed start--then you get to sleep late without burning a holiday.
Cute! I'm glad you took lots of pictures to remember! All the snow was gone by the time we woke up. I was so sad! I'm glad Tommy is okay! And Anna looks so cute!
Cute photos! And just think... you can't even tell that it snowed by the looks of things today.... crazy. And tomorrow? Forecast.. snow.
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