Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
My first nasal obstruction extraction
Today, after Anna got home from school, I turned on cartoons, and gave the kids their snack of Yo-Gos. For those of you who don't know what Yo-Gos are they are small, round fruit snacks covered in a yogurt shell that my kids LOVE. I have never had any problems with my kids eating them until today. Tommy started crying and was pointing at his nose, so I assumed he needed it wiped. I got closer and saw that the nose was REALLY red and said jokingly to Tommy, "you didn't stick a Yo-Go in your nose, did you?" He looked at me and whimpered, "uh-huh." So, I proceeded to try to extract that yucky thing out of his nose. I am SO glad that it was food that comes apart easily, and not something like a rock or penny that he stuck up in there. He was not happy with the whole process, and hopefully we will never go through this again! Or, this could be a glimpse into the future, sigh....boys!
I am grateful for Warranties and HOAs!
As you know, we had some roof damage from the wind storm a while back. Noel gave us a number of a trusted roofer, but for some reason, we never got around to calling him! Noel even called us twice to see if we had followed through, but it just never happened. Well, one day, I was bored and got online and went to our HOA website. I rarely ever visit it, but I was glad I did! On the home page there was an announcement about the wind storm and the damage caused to our roofs, with a link to the warranty division of Lennar (our homebuilder) to get our roof fixed. Apparently, our roof has a 10-year Warranty and will be fixed for free! Danny and I had no clue. We thought that there were no more warranties on the house when we moved in. I am SO GLAD that we won't have to pay to fix our roof, and that we were lazy and never called Noel's roofing guy! I'm also glad that my HOA is good for something! The roofers were supposed to come this weekend, but that didn't happen, so we're just playing the waiting game. I'm not going to complain because it's free!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Not Again!!!
Last night, after her bath, Anna was complaining that she was cold, so she put on her footie pajamas. I thought she was crazy because it was quite comfortable, and almost too warm, but I made sure that I took off her blankets before I went to bed. Well, when I went to wake her up this morning, she had 2 blankets on top of her, and she was burning up! She took the blankets off, and went straight to the bathroom (nothing unusual). But, she didn't come out for about 5 minutes, and then I heard her calling. She was on the bathroom floor, clutching her stomach and saying that she had to throw up. I moved her to the toilet, and she did, indeed, throw up. She got all cleaned up, and went straight to the living room to lay down, with a thick blanket. I called my baby-sitter and Danny and told them that I would not be teaching today, and as soon as the Dr.'s office opened, I called them, too. Red flags were going up everywhere when Anna said her throat hurt, as well as her stomach. I wasn't going to miss another possible Strep episode this time, and the vomiting made sure of that! Well, the doctor confirmed that Anna has Strep, AGAIN. It's the second time this year! The doctor said that if she has it 1-2 more times this season, we will be referred to an ENT to take a look at her tonsils, and possibly have them removed. Yuck, but at this point, I'm tired to having to disinfect the house each time she has Strep, and deal with the 10 days of antibiotics. So, this is not the day I had planned, but at least Anna will be on the road to recovery quickly, and possibly go to school tomorrow.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Our Trip to the zoo

Today Tommy, Anna, and I went to the zoo with Grandma, Missy & Ben, Randi & Mary, Suzy, and Damaris. It was VERY busy today with Spring Break, but despite the crowds, we had a pretty good time. Suzy, mom, me, Damaris, and I think Missy all brought cameras so there should be tons of pictures. Here are a couple of cute ones of mine. Anna was the navigator today, so her and Suzy took the lead and lead us through the zoo. I don't know what I would have done if Suzy and Damaris weren't there to help me with my kids! Thanks! In the last picture (but actually the first animal we visited), the ape actually charged the window scaring everyone except Tommy. You should have seen Anna and grandma running for their lives! It was kind of funny, but Anna didn't think so. She didn't want to see any more primates and was ready for something a little more low key, like flamingos.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
March Madness

Here's a picture of Tommy helping Danny remove the old baseboards and quarter rounds from our kitchen. As you can see, that linoleum isn't super ugly, but it's still not something I was willing to look at any longer! It was just too dirty, and very hard to keep clean, especially with Tommy around. If he would splatter any tomato-based sauce on the floor, it would stain it pink! Yuck. So, we decided to put in some laminate flooring. This week is Danny's Spring Break, so we thought it was the perfect time to get a big job like this done!

What do you think? We're still not completely finished with it, though. We lack some baseboards in the pantry, and a couple of quarter rounds, oh, and the final moulding piece that connects the laminate with the carpet. It has taken us 3 long days to do less than 150 square feet of floor, but just looking at it now, I think it was totally worth it! Danny and I are both super tired, and I know those Home Depot people are really enjoying our 1-2 trips out there a day!

Technically, the wind storm happened at the end of February, but it's close enough. This is some of the damage to our roof from that storm. We still haven't been able to get it fixed, though. All it requires is some tar to hold down those shingles, but we're not sure if anything else was damaged, so we're waiting for a pro to come out and take a look at it!
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