This morning, we woke up to a land of ice. Everything in sight was covered in about an inch of it!

Everything looked very pretty until I saw our nearly 12 foot shrub reduced to a bent-over mass of branches only 4 feet high, as you can see below!

You can see our formerly tall bush at the very edge of our house. I hope it bounces back when the ice melts!

Woah. Nothing froze over here. It just rained and rained. Good for us though, cause lake Lavon is up like 6 feet now, which we desperately needed.
We got TONS of ice, too. I wanted to take pictures of the Crepe Myrtle in front of our condo, but our steps were completely frozen over with about 1/4" of ice that I was afraid to walk down them. Even this morning they were still completely frozen over. We got pummled with the ice! But at least I got the day off yesterday!
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