Eddie won a Shamu at the kids' midway. He carried it around all day! He was really good and stayed in his stroller when we needed him to, but by the end of the day he was exhausted!

Since it was raining on and off all day, attendance was pretty low. Anna and Tommy were able to ride the kid coaster almost 8 times in a row! They loved it! I took Eddie on it once and he was not too happy about it! He didn't scream or cry, but he did have a look of sheer terror on his face! Tommy was ready for a big coaster by the end of the day, but he was too short to ride. He missed it by 1/2 an inch!! I seriously took 5 pictures of them on the coaster, but Tommy has that same creepy smile in each of them! Sigh...

Papi and Anna on the river rapids ride. Anna didn't like getting wet, but since it was raining all day, you'd think she was used to it!

Of course the kids LOVED seeing Shamu. Shamu had a baby back in January and little Sakari made an appearance during the show. Anna couldn't get over how cute she was, and STILL talks about her! And Shamu looks pretty good for having a baby just 7 months ago, don't you think?

The kids gave our day at Sea World 2 thumbs up! We spent the morning at the water park, and even though it was raining we had so much fun! There were no lines for any of the water slides, and Anna and Tommy LOVED them! I took Eddie on a little one and he freaked out and cried all the way down! Oh well. He loved the kid pools, but started getting really cold after about 2 hours, so he and I took a break to warm up, while Anna, Tommy, and Papi played in the wave pool. I don't have any pictures from the water park because of the rain and all the wet. We had lunch after we were done at the water park and then we went to enjoy the shows and rides! The kids had a great time and we can't wait to go back!