Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Craig's List Find

Danny and I wanted to get Tommy a scooter for Christmas, and we found this great Spiderman scooter at Toys R Us, but we didn't like the $40 price tag! So, we went looking on Craig's List for something similar. Well, we found someone selling the EXACT same scooter, new in the box, for only $20! The seller was pretty close, Sachse, and I was able to talk her down to $15! I love Craig's List!

Monday, September 17, 2007

My Two Boys

Aren't my two boys so cute? In the pictures below, Tommy is first and Eddie is second. They are definitely brothers!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

2-Week Check-Up

Eddie had his 2-week chek-up on Thursday and he is now 8 lbs, 5 oz, and 21 1/2 inches long! He has gained 1/2 a pound and 1 1/4 inches in only a week! He's a good eater and sleeps really well during the day (we're still working on the sleeping at night stuff).

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My doctor visit

I went to the doctor this morning for a blood pressure check, and everything looks great! My BP was 132/68 which is actually on the low side for someone on blood pressure medication. I now just have to make sure that my BP doesn't get too low, and if it does, they'll pull me off the meds. I have another check-up in 4 weeks, and if everything checks out okay, I'll be off the medication for good!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Eddie Update

As some of you know, Eddie left the hospital jaundiced, so we had to do a follow-up visit on Sunday afternoon to the Biliruben Clinic. His levels were still quite high (75%), so we had to go back yesterday. His levels were then only 35-40% (low-risk) but he still has to follow up with his pediatrician tomorrow. We have to keep him eating, but high levels of biliruben makes you sleepy, so it's been hard to get him fed every 3 hours. He has only lost 2 ounces of his birth weight, which is really good, and hopefully, he'll start to gain some weight and get all of the excess biliruben out of his system!