Danny and I decided that Tommy needed a room makeover because he wasn't sleeping in his room! We chose a new color and decided to take down his toddler bed and buy him a big boy bed. We bought the bed at Ikea on Friday night, and prepped the room so I could paint Saturday morning. I started painting Saturday and discovered that the blue that was already on his walls bled through the light brown that I was painting! We also had to paint over the inside walls around the window. Who paints that? Apparently the previous owner did, so we had to take down the blinds and paint all of that section too, unless we wanted a brown room with a blue window area! So, already the job was getting harder. Danny was so wonderful and decided to clean up the kitchen while I painted. After he did the dishes, he went to run the disposal but the disposal just hummed and didn't run! After a couple of seconds the humming stopped and we started smelling a faint burning smell. Danny opened up the cabinet under the sink and the disposal was smoking a little! Danny took Anna to Home Depot and they bought a new disposal ($80! Yikes!) and Danny spent the next hour installing it. After that was all said and done, it was around 4:30. I had finished Tommy's room, which was a complete miracle, and it was time to go to the Ward Christmas Party. We would have skipped it, except we were playing in the "Nauvoo Band" and Danny was directing it! The party was really good, except I didn't get to play much because I was chasing Tommy all over the building! Poor Anna didn't get to do much either because I was busy chasing Tommy and Danny was leading the band. We were so exhausted when we got home, but the house was a disaster! We spent about an hour cleaning the house, and another hour moving Tommy's furniture into his room and setting up his new bed. It was a long, and fruitful day, but hopefully we don't have another one like this for a long time!