On Friday, November 10, Anna's school had a Patriotic Parade, and it was really fun! They had all the parents, grandparents or any relative who are firemen, policemen, paramedics, or armed forces come march in the parade in full uniform. It was neat to see the pride in the kids' faces as they marched with them! They had a motorcycle brigade, 3 police cars, a firetruck, a float with war vets, several cars with various school officials, 3 motorcycle cops, and all the children in the school marched in between. All the kids wore red, white, and blue and had made flags or banners to wave. The Kindergardeners got to watch all of the parade from the street, and joined in at the end. Papaw's name was also put on the Wall of Rememberance with other members of the armed forces that have passed. We had a lot of fun and we look forward to the parade next year!